Bachelors in Mathematics

Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics

For general university requirements, see Graduation Requirements. Students majoring in mathematics may choose between the regular math major and the double major. Regular math majors must complete:

  • MATH 101 and 102 Single Variable Calculus I and II
  • MATH 211 Ordinary Differential Equations or MATH 220 Honors Ordinary Differential Equations, or substitute MATH 354 (Honors Linear Algebra) or MATH 355 (Linear Algebra) or MATH 221/222 (Honors Calculus III/IV)
  • MATH 212 Multivariable Calculus or MATH 232 Honors Multivariable Calculus or MATH 222 (Honors Calculus IV)
  • At least 24 semester hours (eight courses) in departmental courses at the 300 level or above (in many instances, the math department will waive the 100- and 200-level courses for a math major)
  • At most 3 credit hours from MATH courses numbered 490 to 499

One Possible Degree Path for B.A. Degree

In some situations, higher level courses may substitute for the 100- and 200-level courses. See the General Announcements for details.

The requirements for the double major are the same except that students may substitute approved mathematics-related courses for up to nine of the 24 hours required at the 300 level or above.

Students receive advanced placement credit for (the equivalent of) MATH 101 by achieving a score of four or five on the AP Calculus AB exam, and for MATH 101 and 102 by achieving a score of four or five on the AP Calculus BC exam. Other types of standardized tests may also receive credit; see this Registrar page for details on how to claim this credit. Alternatively, students may earn credit for the equivalent of MATH 101 by passing a Rice-administered exam at the beginning of their time at Rice. Entering students should enroll in the most advanced course commensurate with their background; advice is available from the mathematics faculty during Orientation Week and at other times.

Disclaimer: Official requirements for the BA in Mathematics Degree are posted in the General Announcements on the Registrar's website (available here). Please note that these are the definitive version.

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

These requirements are in addition to general university graduation requirements. The chair of the undergraduate committee of the MATH department may modify requirements to meet the needs of students with advanced backgrounds. Required courses include:

  • Single variable calculus: MATH 101 and 102;
  • Differential equations: MATH 211, 220, 381, or 423;
  • Multivariable calculus: MATH 212, 232, or 222
  • Linear algebra: MATH 221, 354 or 355;
  • Real analysis: two classes taken from MATH 321/331, 322, or 425;
  • Algebra: MATH 356 and 357;
  • Geometry and manifolds: MATH 370, 401, 402, 451 or 452;
  • Complex analysis: MATH 382 or 427;
  • Topology: MATH 443, 444, or 445;

Possible Degree Paths for B.S. Degree

A total of at least 33 credit hours in MATH (e.g., 11 three-hour courses) at the 300 level or above is required. Students may choose electives to reach this number and at most 3 credit hours from MATH courses numbered 490 to 499

Disclaimer: Official requirements for the BS in Mathematics are posted in the General Announcements on the Registrar's website (available here). Please note that these are the definitive version.

Tel (713) 348-4829

Mailing Address:
Rice University
Math Department -- MS 136
P.O. Box 1892
Houston, TX 77005-1892

Physical Address:
Rice University
Herman Brown Hall for Mathematical Sciences
6100 Main Street
Houston, TX 77005